An Expo to remember
If you have been listening to and following earlier reports closely, you may have noted that the focus on the Agrarian facet in June continued up until the 28th. of that month ONLY. The focus on Facet # 2, Fisheries, earmarked for the month of July, started out prematurely on June 29th. There is a reason for this, that being the fact that Jesus’ disciple, Peter, the Big Fisherman & patron saint of this parish is honoured in the Christian calendar by having June 29th designated as his day.
Whereas Speightstown’s monthly event is entitled “Speightstown Sizzling”, here in the only remaining old-time fishing village in Barbados the title given for this debut event is “Six Mens Sizzling”
In the two weeks leading up to this event, a street banner in Church Street, Speightstown served as advertising proclaiming to the public what it was all about. This multi-event carried three components, these being a Fisheries Expo, a Health Fair and a day-night T-20 Cricket Match. For a first-time effort, it was indeed a resounding success as approximately one thousand people attended the three activities when taken altogether, with the vast majority (approx. 650 persons) being present at the T-20 match.
Although DJs for the day, Dandy Sounds alongside “Pit” Greaves got activities rolling with a mix of this year’s Crop Over calypsos and oldie goldies music at 1.00 p.m., the official opening happened at 5.00 p.m. when many more patrons were present. Throughout the afternoon, the musical interludes were interspersed with short ten to fifteen-minute informative talks and distribution of relevant literature.
It would be remiss of me therefore not to extend thanks to the following – Sub-Lieutenant Shawn Hazlewood of the Barbados Coast Guard for addressing the topic of “Safety at Sea”; Nurses Hinds and Green of the Maurice Byer Polyclinic for their talk with accompanying charts, on “Male Reproductive Health”; MBP’s nutritionist, Ms. Marianne Burnham on “The Nutritional Value of Fish”; Environmental Health Officer, Sonia Prescott who spoke on “Mosquito-borne Diseases and Vector Control” and last but not least, Mrs. Barbara Brewster on “Diabetes and its Complications”
The Fisheries Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Water Resource Management put on a display and distributed relevant literature under a 15 x 15 tent to the north and across the road from the main stage by Braddies Bar. Some five other 10 x 10 tents were erected along the beachside of the Six Mens main road stretch. Also along this main thoroughfare, Republic Bank, our sole sponsor, mounted a branded 20 x 20 tent from which two of their customer service agents promoted the bank’s products and services.
At 4.30 p.m., the symbolic Broken Trident, escorted by two members of the Barbados Defence Force, arrived. This symbolic Broken Trident was later brought on stage, presented to the two Parish Ambassadors, Nadira Marshall and Jason Moore, who, in turn, passed it over to Mr. Sherlock King, Manager of Markets, for mounting in its stand. This was all part of the Official Opening, preceded by the playing of the National Anthem, Once the official opening had been concluded, a quiz with questions about St. Peter was done and canvas, waterproof bags donated by Undercover Canvas and Awnings and very suitable for fisher-folk, were given out to those giving correct responses.
Also to receive kudos for participation are Jamar Griffith from JG’s Fitness Centre whose group put on a 15-minute aerobics and exercise session on the main stage as well as the revelers from Mr. Randolph Woodroffe’s Foreday Morning Schooner Jammers Band “Gold Seekers” for the display of their costumes. As for live entertainment put on after dusk, our thanks go out to the duet of Messrs. Tony Small, pannist, and Anderson Griffith, guitarist/singer for their great half-hour session; the Wahid twins for their wonderful interpretation of the Draytons Two “Written Down”; noted calypsonian, Colin Spencer, for his three selections and last but not least, our very own male Parish Ambassador, Jason Moore, whose singing talent ought not to be overlooked.
The evening’s entertainment at that venue culminated at 9.00 p.m. with a lively session of karaoke.
At about 7.30 p.m., the lights emanating from the four light towers set up on the small pasture 200 yards to the north of Braddies Bar on the inland side of the street began to attract a gathering to the cricketing action about to take place there between the Six Mens Under 35s vs the Over 35s. Since the start of the match was delayed by an hour, youngsters played football and enjoyed themselves on the infield as all present anxiously awaited the first ball which happened at 20h00.
Three food stalls/bars including the PIC’s own and other tents were set up around the circle and music blasted from speakers over which a running commentary of the match was given. The Under 35 team went on to defeat the Over 35s. All of this made for a quite festive atmosphere among the 500+ fans present, most of whom remained until the end of the match at 11.30 p.m. The small sudden-death road tennis tournament played off just before the cricket match was won by Six Mens resident, Kishmar Rollins, who was presented with a waterproof canvas bag as his prize.
In my opinion, this event scores high marks when seen as a combination of socio-cultural activities mixed with sport. Links were forged with several members of the Six Mens Community from the pastor of the local Pentecostal House of Prayer at which the PIC held a Town Hall meeting with the residents through to the fish-vendors and the fish-boners.