The St. Peter’s Parish Project 2018 entitled L.E.A.D – ‘Lead by Empowering through Action for Development’ was derived from the main theme “Building Community Spirit; Embracing our Culture”. This year, we were given five (5) topics to base our Parish Project on; Health: Diabetes and Hypertension, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Heritage and Disaster Preparedness. With much interaction with the residents of St. Peter we have managed to discover three (3) main concerns in St. Peter which are Environment, Health and Disaster Preparedness. However, the topic chosen to place our direct focus on is the Environment which received majority concern.
To sensitize the residents of St. Peter on the importance of our environment and encourage them to play a greater role in protecting it. We intend to educate residents on the physical and psychological aspect of environment that would allow community development and by extension, nation-wide development due to the fact that the psychological aspect can help solve other areas such as health and disaster.
In combining the objectives, the mission, the plan of action along with strategic planning and the use of resources available to us, our aim is to reach at least 75% of our population in St. Peter (approximately 11, 300 residents, information directly the Barbados Statistical Service).
We have acknowledged the growing concern of flooding, littering and the lack beautification in some of our communities. We have also seen the neglect of individuals for keeping their surroundings clean and need to encourage persons to resist dumping in areas not designated for dumping. We observed how natural materials such as leaves, branches can become a concern (hazard) by blocking drainage and water-ways. The accumulation of such material can take away the beauty from our communities. This being said, these issues can pose a threat in the event of a natural disaster and it would be ideal to have an emergency drill which we will consider having specifically along the coastline. Attacking these environmental issues requires serious leadership, empowerment to action for a better development of our nation.